Thursday, November 10, 2011

Tooth Fairy

My First graders are loosing their teeth at an epic rate. After reading "Alice the Fairy" by David Shannon ,we decided to make our own tooth fairies.
We used ink pens to draw our fairies, painted them with watercolors, than added our own fairy dust (glitter). They were so excited about the glitter!!

2nd Grade Dragons

My second graders read the Dragon books in their classrooms. They were very excited to learn how to draw one of their favorite characters.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My 5th graders paint like Hundertwasser

My 5th graders learned about Friedrich Hundertwasser, we talked about his ideas regarding the earth and the environment. Then they created their own work, inspired by his.

Kindergarten Cows

My kindergarteners painted these adorable cows based on the story "Click Clack MOO" by Doreen Cronin.

1st Grade Birds

My first graders made some beautiful cardinals after we read "Birds" By Kevin Henkes.