Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I showed my 4th graders how to draw the simple shapes that make up the nutcrackers. Then I asked them to decorate the nutcrackers they drew by adding their own details. We talked about the element of design, value and how it makes things in art work look "real". I showed them techniques that they could use with oil pastels to create value in their art work.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

I have been finding so many new ideas on . If you have not checked it out it is very fun and a little addicting. I found this idea and many more.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Tooth Fairy

My First graders are loosing their teeth at an epic rate. After reading "Alice the Fairy" by David Shannon ,we decided to make our own tooth fairies.
We used ink pens to draw our fairies, painted them with watercolors, than added our own fairy dust (glitter). They were so excited about the glitter!!

2nd Grade Dragons

My second graders read the Dragon books in their classrooms. They were very excited to learn how to draw one of their favorite characters.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My 5th graders paint like Hundertwasser

My 5th graders learned about Friedrich Hundertwasser, we talked about his ideas regarding the earth and the environment. Then they created their own work, inspired by his.

Kindergarten Cows

My kindergarteners painted these adorable cows based on the story "Click Clack MOO" by Doreen Cronin.

1st Grade Birds

My first graders made some beautiful cardinals after we read "Birds" By Kevin Henkes.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Kindergarten Firetrucks

For fire prevention week I had my little ones make these great firetrucks.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


This year our school is looking at the effects of reading aloud on student achievement. So I will be having my students do some reading (and getting read too) in the art room. Last fall I read a book called the "Read Aloud Handbook." There are studies referenced in the book that prove that children who are read too score better on standardized tests. So I asked my classes, "how many of you are read to at home?" Some of my kindergartner's raised their hands, none of my 5th graders did. So This year we getting the message out that reading to kids is fun and good for them. The more you read, the more you know, the more you know, the more you grow. So you will see lots of my lessons are inspired by Children's literature this year.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

New Art for the Helen DeVos Children's hospital

My first and second graders are having so much fun making their large paintings, I had to share them with you. We are in the process of making 36 new paintings for the new Helen DeVos Children's hospital.

My students came up with ideas for paintings of things that make them happy. Then we used our document camera and projector to enlarge the 8.5x11 inch drawings on to large sheets of paper. Then they choose a team to help them paint their design. Each class was responsible for making 6 paintings.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

My Matisse

My second graders looked at the art work of Henri Matisse and created these wonderful cut outs.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I am the biggest thing in the Ocean

There is always someone bigger and better, but that should not stop you from trying to do your best which is the moral of the story "I am the Biggest Thing in the Ocean" After my first graders heard the story we painted these giant squid.